There is an inner beauty about a woman who believes in herself, who knows she is capable of anything that she puts her mind to. There is a beauty in the strength and determination of a woman who follows her own path, who isn't thrown off by obstacles along the way. There is a beauty about a woman whose confidence comes from experiences; who knows she can fall, pick herself up, and move on
Sunday, August 26, 2012
i will swallow it downits nothing to be too angry about you're tired, you need to rest and eat as they say a hungry man is an angry man i shall keep these rules in mind i will calm down too i cant expect everyone to be in exactly e same mood as i am he has his life, i have mine sometimes i just wish i could tell my troubles to someone who can understand know how frustrating it is to keep it all in or worse express it in e wrong ways? i dont think anyone understands what i mean i always end up getting too tensed up and shout at e wrong ppl i should direct my anger towards ppl i hate not those i love bt it always feels like its e other way around...and i hate that i do hope tmr's event will go along fine i always have this weird feeling inside me being tt i feel an outing will be boring or unexciting and then it turns out better than i expected and i when i think an outing will turn out great...it always messes itself up how do i change that feeling? how come other ppl have it going for them like 99% of e time? i wouldnt call them perfect...bt it feels that their lives are perfect im like a whiny girl again bt i cant help but talk about it to something, since there isnt a someone why cant you see my side of e story? i think...my bf cant be a best friend...not ever he's missing smth...he's just not tt in tuned with his feelings as i am to mine he dosent reflect on his life..simply cuz he dosent bother to change his lifestyle at least tt is according to my understanding and from what i can see and sense from his behaviour for me, i really really cant commit to one single thing for too long...it will bore me out i dont know what marriage will be like man..maybe it wouldnt mean as much to me as i think it would maybe my thinking would change as i grow up...but one thing's for sure i would neva let my life turn out to be like my bf's...its too mundane all he knows how to do now is work work work i cn officially say he is a workaholic...he needs the money so wateva money comes his way, he will take isnt tt being too desperate? maybe i cant feel tt pinch yet cuz i still have my mom to support me but maybe if she stops giving me money, i might become like tt i dont want it to be this way i dont think kieroy's like that..he looks like he's still enjoying his life...and he has a social circle now e same cnt be said for my bf he dosent meet up much with his frens am i taking up too much of his time? and how come wenever he sees me...haix i dont want to talk about it i think its my prob im being e unreasonable one i expect too much from a person i think....maybe tts y i still cant find a real friend maybe i will die without having one real, close friend and..one qn i have to ask myself....why am i with him again? and why so long? Thursday, June 2, 2011
on some days i just get so worried bout u i cant help it sometimes i want my world to revolve around u i want to protect u, see u laugh and wish everything could be perfect 4 u i know the going is tough now, but u've got to fight babe i will support u all e way, u know tt i used to keep throwing tempers when i first met u, and u would tolerate them and love me still i dun understand why i did what i did tt time bt i guessed i changed i want to be a better person 4 u u noe e one thing tt will make me collapse? ans: you leaving me so no matter what u throw at me, no matter how hurtful, no matter how much it makes me cry at e end of every argument/quarrel, i will love u this word love....it means more to me than u cn ever imagine im unsure how i cn stay sane all this time, bt part of e reason is cuz of u i think u noe tt :) i hope u are happy. i dunwan to see u so messed up babe cheers alright? i love you Wednesday, April 27, 2011
i figured i should be more kind to uim such an asshole sometimes wen im supposed to be angry, i control it wen im supposed to control my anger, i let it burst i dont wan to take you for granted i realli do love u and tis is not an emo post :) its supposed to encourage me and make me happy again u know wat my mom said? she said ur qualities are pretty gd, and my dad didnt say anytin, my grandma said ur muscular and tall and i agree with every one of them im realli an asshole u have every right to get mad at me im real glad my mom told me to treasure u if i realli did lose u bcuz of my shitty personality im gonna regret it so bad like i did e last time hahahas i wrote a whole post based on just a few sentences my mom said dear, forgive me i love u |
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